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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Adaptation Toolkit: Co-creating a Local Resource with Caregivers Supporting a Young Person with Substance Use Disorder

Responding to the need for greater support for parents and caregivers of young people impacted by substance use, a group of parents and caregivers from Victoria, B.C., worked with CCSA to co-design a local parent handbook, Parents Like Us: The Unofficial Survival Guide to Parenting a Young Person with a Substance Use Disorder.

It was created as part of the Improving Treatment Together (ITT) Project with our project partners Foundry Central Office and Foundry Victoria.
Seeing the reach and impact the Parents Like Us handbook had in Victoria, CCSA wanted to spread the reach of this type of resource to other areas of Canada. As a pilot project, we partnered with the Sault Ste. Marie Hospital to adapt this handbook for the needs of caregivers in their Ontario region.

Using the Victoria and Sault Ste Marie experiences as a guide, we developed the adaption toolkit. The toolkit offers communities the processes, considerations and resources they need to adapt their own version of the handbook. To make the process easier, users can request a templated version of the handbook, which includes modifiable text from the original Parents Like Us handbook. The request can be made by filling out and submitting the request form within the adaption toolkit.

This toolkit is intended for professionals, caregivers and caregiver allies who want to create their own version of the Parents Like Us handbook in their communities with families and caregivers leading the process. The experiences and voices of parents and caregivers are paramount to this resource and any future versions. Any adaptation efforts must prioritize the leadership and inclusion of parents and caregivers in each step of the process. This toolkit will provide resources to help with this process.

Remember, the Adaptation Toolkit is a process, not a product.


Adaptation Toolkit: Co-creating a Local Resource with Caregivers Supporting a Young Person with Substance Use Disorder

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