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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction Welcomes New Board Member Anne Elizabeth Lapointe

Ottawa, October 9, 2018 — The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Anne Elizabeth Lapointe to its Board of Directors. This appointment is one of the five Governor in Council appointments to the CCSA Board of Directors made by the federal minister of health.

Ms. Lapointe is the executive director of the Addiction Prevention Centre and la Maison Jean Lapointe — Prévention. She has been in this role since 2016. She has 20 years’ experience in the field of substance use and addictions, including 15 years in prevention.

Vaughan Dowie, CCSA Board Chair, notes that “Ms. Lapointe is well known for her leadership skills and strategic mind. As CCSA moves forward with its mandate and addresses new challenges, she will make major contributions at our Board table.”

Ms. Lapointe’s expertise includes behavioural addictions, such as problem gambling, as well as the prevention and treatment of all addictions. She has contributed to developing and evaluating the prevention programs at la Maison Jean Lapointe and the Addiction Prevention Centre. These programs help more than 100,000 young people every year.

“CCSA is extremely excited to have Ms. Lapointe as a member of our Board,” said Rita Notarandrea, CCSA’s Chief Executive Officer. “She is a renowned expert in her field. Her knowledge on numerous substance issues — especially in prevention and working with young people — will provide great insight and make a big impact on the work CCSA does.”

Fluently bilingual, Ms. Lapointe holds a Bachelor of Arts (Communications and Media Studies) and a diploma in management from the University of Montreal. She also has earned a graduate degree in addiction and ethics from the University of Sherbrooke.

About CCSA

An Act of Parliament with all-party support established CCSA in 1988. The Centre provides national leadership in reducing the harms of alcohol and other drugs.

CCSA’s Board of Directors is comprised of 13 members. The Governor in Council appoints the chair and four members of the Board. The remaining members-at-large are recruited from a number of sectors, including the business community, labour groups, and professional and voluntary organizations. Board members serve a three-year term, with the possibility of extension for up to two additional terms.

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