Note: We are working on updating and enhancing the Canadian Drug Summaries. Not all reports published here have the most up-to-date information. Please check publication dates.
Canadian Drug Summaries provide the most recent statistics about substance use across our country and include information on trends, consequences and outcomes of substance use. These summaries help reduce harm for Canadians by providing information that supports evidence-informed decisions. Researchers collect national data from many sources and the summaries synthesize the results.
- Alcohol (publication date, 2019)
- Cannabis (publication date, 2020)
- Opioids (publication date, 2022)
Prescription drugs
- Sedatives (publication date, 2022)
- Prescription Stimulants (publication date, 2022)
- Cocaine (publication date, 2022)
- Methamphetamine (publication date, 2020)
Other Drugs
- Ecstasy or Molly (MDMA) (publication date, 2022)