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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

This page collects CCSA resources about young people and substance use that could be useful to educators.

When it comes to alcohol and other drugs, students, like educators, want the facts. Young people across Canada tell us that when it comes to substance use health, they want to make informed decisions. Many young people have questions about cannabis, such as:

  • Can regular or heavy use of cannabis impair adolescent brain development? (Yes)
  • Does cannabis help you to focus? (No)
  • Is cannabis less dangerous than other drugs because it is derived from plants? (No)
  • Is cannabis-impaired driving dangerous? (Yes, very)

They are going online with their questions. Too often, the Internet is giving them the wrong answers.

Educators are part of a group that CCSA defines as youth allies — the people students can turn to with important questions. We develop evidence-based resources, such as Understanding Substance Use: Educators Guide, as valuable tools for youth allies to help answer the questions educators and young people are asking.

Visit the Youth and Emerging Adults section of our website for information on what youth need to know about the consequences of drug and alcohol use.

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