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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Sep 23 2019

The Mental Health for All (MH4A) Conference

Location: Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, Ontario

Date: September 23, 2019 - September 25, 2019

The Mental Health for All (MH4A) Conference plays a unique role in uniting the people and ideas that exemplify mental health in Canada. Now in its fourth year, the MH4A Conference is an important place of convergence, where service providers, front-line workers, researchers, funders, policy makers and people with lived experience of mental health problems and illnesses come together to set the agenda. The theme of this year’s conference is Connection Interrupted: Restoring Mental Health in a Fractured World. Together we connect, create and collaborate to demand and design the mentally healthy schools, campuses, workplaces and communities that our citizens deserve, and reimagine the healthcare system and supports required to serve their needs of the future. Let’s look back and think ahead. Let’s shore up everyone’s mental health for the world to come.

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