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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Stigma Ends with Students

Our Stigma Ends with Students initiative is a partnership with university faculties and their students to bring anti-stigma knowledge to Canadian campuses. Students are given guidelines, supportive resources and funding to carry out their campaigns. The ultimate goal is to bring creativity and innovation to the #StigmaEndsWithMe campaign and to share anti-stigma messaging with other faculties and students.

Are you interesting in hosting a #StigmaEndsWithMe campaign on your campus? We’d love to help!
E-mail us at to request more information.

Campus Partnerships

We’re proud to have the following campuses join us in this movement.

Carleton University




Carleton University,
Faculty of Neuroscience

University of Saskatchewan




University of Saskatchewan,
Faculty of Sociology

Memorial University of Newfoundland




Memorial University,
Faculty of Medicine


Evaluation Guide for Campus Partners

Is your campus involved in the Stigma Ends with Students campaign? Download and fill in the campaign evaluation guide, Measuring the Results of Student Anti-stigma Campaigns: Recommended Indicators. This guide will help you assess the impact and outcome of your campaign. Once you have completed the form, e-mail it to

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