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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Media Contact

Our experts are available for speaking engagements and media interviews. Please contact us with your request.

Chandni Sondagar, MPH, PMP
Senior Knowledge Broker


Chandni’s areas of expertise include public health, immunization, cannabis, knowledge translation and health promotion.


Developing innovative approaches to bridge the gap between knowledge and action has always been an area of focus for Chandni Sondagar. Through her work, she aims to reduce the time it takes to move research and evidence into the hands of people and organizations who can take the knowledge and put it to practical use to strengthen public health activities and programs.

Chandni has over 10 years of experience working in public health in various areas, including research, policy, health promotion and knowledge translation. Over her career, she has led national-level projects to strengthen immunization programs, cannabis public education and harm reduction initiatives across Canada. Major projects have included the development of the online resource centre called CANVax, a vaccine tracking application for mobile devices called CANImmunize and the development of an educator’s guide on substance use to support educators and reduce substance-related harms in young people. Chandni also volunteers at the Science to Business Network, which provides training, support and networking opportunities for science graduates.

Chandni has a BSc with honours in biopharmaceutical sciences (genomics) from the University of Ottawa, a Master of Public Health from the University of Waterloo and a Project Management Professional certification. Before joining CCSA in August 2019, she held roles at the Canadian Public Health Association, Immunize Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada.

In her spare time, you can find Chandni with a map in her hand, planning her next travel adventure. 

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