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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction


Nov 26 2020

National Addictions Awareness Week

Location: Across Canada

Date: November 26, 2020 - November 28, 2020

This Year Declare, Change Begins with Me!

National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW) is from November 22 to 28.

Change Begins with Me is the theme for this year’s National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW). We want to present Canadians with ways they can reassess the way they think about substance use disorders and people who use drugs. Change Begins with Me builds on our 2019 NAAW campaign, Stigma Ends with Me.

We want people to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, so this year, social media will be our main platform to promote NAAW. We will be running two campaigns to convince Canadians to be part of changing stigmatizing culture. You can either Share the Facts or Be an Ambassador for Change.

Spread the Message

The team at CCSA has created a suite of resources to help get the word out.

Using the hashtags #ChangeBeginsWithMe and #NAAW, please share your NAAW activities and promotions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and show how you are trying to make changes in your community. You can share your plans, photos and social media information by emailing or tag us on social media.

Learn more

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