Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Addiction News Daily is CCSA’s news service; a co​​mpilation of stories pulled from various sources and focusing on topics con​cerning alcohol, drugs and their related harms (including alcohol and drug​ preventi​on, treatment, recovery and addiction, and substance abuse policy and political ​di​alogue)​. Th​​e stories are chosen for their potential interest to Canadians and are of national significance. The opinions expressed in Addiction News Daily stories are not necessarily those of CC​SA. ​

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246 result(s)

September 8, 2021| CBC News

Overdose survivor hopes to inspire others to seek help

  • Lived and Living Experience
  • Stigma
September 5, 2021| TVA Nouvelles

Vancouver marquée par l'itinérance et la drogue

  • Lived and Living Experience
September 1, 2021| CTV News

Video campaign by Sudbury's hospital bring awareness to addiction

  • Lived and Living Experience
September 1, 2021| The Stratford Beacon Herald

Two Brantford high school grads tackling opioid crisis

  • Lived and Living Experience
September 1, 2021| Maclean’s

Every 49 minutes

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 31, 2021| Saskatoon Star Phoenix

'Everybody is starting to know somebody': Mom hopes overdose awareness can break stigma

  • Stigma
  • Lived and Living Experience
August 31, 2021| CTV News

'I never got a chance to say goodbye,' Mothers mourn the loss of their loved ones on International Overdose Awareness Day

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 31, 2021| CBC News

'It can happen to anybody,' says Kitchener mom ahead of Overdose Awareness Day

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 31, 2021| Power 97

Manitoba on pace to exceed drug-overdose deaths in 2021

  • Substance Use
  • Lived and Living Experience
August 30, 2021| Boundary Creek Times

Grand Forks marks Overdose Awareness Day with memorial walk, vigil

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 30, 2021| CBC News

Hundreds of broken hearts drawn in chalk on Calgary streets to remember drug overdose victims

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 27, 2021| Regina Leader-Post

Doing it for the kids: Parents confronting addiction

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 24, 2021|

Permanent memorial being planned to remember those who died from drug poisoning

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 24, 2021| North Shore News

Striking purple chalk campaign aims to put B.C.'s toxic drug supply deaths back in spotlight

  • Lived and Living Experience
August 9, 2021| Global News

Manitoba campaign aims to show faces behind drug overdose crisis

  • Lived and Living Experience

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