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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

CCSA experts are among Canada’s leading authorities on substance use and addiction. On a weekly —sometimes daily — basis, we receive requests from media to weigh in on the most timely and pressing issues of the day. Here are some of the most recent news stories featuring our experts.

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37 result(s)

April 12, 2021| Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

DEADLINE: Today is your last chance to submit your abstract or personal experience to present at CCSA’s Issues of Substance 2021

  • CCSA
March 8, 2021| New alcohol drinking guidelines planned for 2022 [CCSA interview]

New alcohol drinking guidelines planned for 2022 [CCSA interview]

  • CCSA
  • Alcohol
January 15, 2021| Ottawa Citizen

Alcoholics Anonymous in the age of COVID-19: 'We are building a bigger tent' [CCSA interview]

  • Treatment

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