CCSA’s Substance Use Health and Mental Health (SUMH) Competencies outline the technical and behavioural skills, attitudes and behaviours most relevant to working in the substance use and mental health field across a range of roles, sectors and settings. When used as a framework, SUMH Competencies support individuals and organizations in upholding a standard of service that is consistently evidence-based, compassionate and empathetic.
CCSA’s SUMH Competencies are an evidence-informed way to support consistent, humanistic, person-centred care at individual and organizational levels. Ultimately, the aim of the Competencies is to improve the experiences and outcomes for people accessing substance use health care.

On CCSA’s Workforce Competencies website individuals can find all the resources related to the Competencies in one user-friendly location.
The Workforce Competencies website features:
- Custom filters and advanced searchability features making it easier to find resources on the website
- Competency-specific subscription options to receive news on the latest Competencies updates
- Easy-to-find Competency-specific updates located on the home page