Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Addiction News Daily is CCSA’s news service; a co​​mpilation of stories pulled from various sources and focusing on topics con​cerning alcohol, drugs and their related harms (including alcohol and drug​ preventi​on, treatment, recovery and addiction, and substance abuse policy and political ​di​alogue)​. Th​​e stories are chosen for their potential interest to Canadians and are of national significance. The opinions expressed in Addiction News Daily stories are not necessarily those of CC​SA. ​

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3107 result(s)

September 21, 2021| CBC News

Nearly $4 million in liquor sales go to Nunavut government in 2020-21

  • Alcohol
September 21, 2021| Ottawa Sun

Ottawa board of health wants national emergency declared over drug ODs

  • Opioids
September 21, 2021| Toronto Star

Municipal council urges drug decriminalization

  • Illicit Drugs
September 20, 2021| CBC News

Police warn of dangerous pills in Parry Sound

  • Illicit Drugs
September 20, 2021| Grand Forks Gazette

First Nations educators to host web talks on opioid crisis, addiction

  • Opioids
  • Harm Reduction
September 20, 2021| La Presse

L’alcool risqué dès la conception

  • Women
  • Alcohol
September 20, 2021| Pincher Creek Echo

Recovery Access Alberta launched

  • Treatment
September 20, 2021| North Bay Nugget

Opening ceremony for Recovery Days this Wednesday

  • Recovery
September 19, 2021| Guelph Today

Police investigating reports of female U of G students being given spiked drinks

  • Youth
September 17, 2021| Powell River Peak

March in Qathet region raises overdose awareness

  • Harm Reduction
  • Lived and Living Experience
September 17, 2021| The Tyee

Prescription Inhalable Heroin Is Coming to BC. Will the Province Embrace It?

  • Harm Reduction
September 16, 2021| USask News

USask researchers highlight voices of people with addictions to improve services

  • Lived and Living Experience

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