Resources to educate and support efforts to prevent harms from opioid use, including improving pain management and education for health providers.
Provincial report describing the 2022-2025 strategy developed in Quebec to address the opioid crisis et prevent psychoactive substances-related deaths.
Government of Quebec
Fact sheet with tips about heat waves and precautions for people who use drugs.
Interior Health (British Columbia)
Highlights the risks associated with the emergence of benzodiazepine-adulterated drugs in the street opioid supply and provides guidance for the care of individuals who have been exposed to benzodiazepines through the use of adulterated opioids.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
Opioids fact sheet including information on workplace health and safety.
Fact sheet on opioid use and suicide risk and protective factors. Suggests actions to help prevent suicides and reduce the harms of opioid use.
Handout for people considering opioid agonist treatment.
Rx Files
Knowledge synthesis focusing on what makes interventions for the prevention and treatment of opioid dependency work in Indigenous contexts. Of particular interest are non-pharmacochemical wrap-around models.
Alberta First Nations Information Governance Centre
Opioid fact sheet for parents
School Mental Health Ontario
Opioid fact sheet for educators
School Mental Health Ontario
Opioid fact sheet for youth
School Mental Health Ontario
This bulletin focuses on developing robust delivery processes for opioid agonist treatment (OAT) to support patients during the pandemic, limiting the exposure of pharmacy staff to COVID-19 by implementing virtual communication and managing the risks for medication errors.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
Curriculum providing information, background and rationale for people who will be providing opioid poisoning response training or community-based naloxone kit distribution. Information pertaining to stimulant poisoning and response is included.
Alberta Health Services
A checklist of topics for pharmacists to cover when providing take-home naloxone kits.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Provides a range of opioid education resources.
Government of Canada
Resources to help the public and healthcare practitioners become better informed about opioids and to help reduce and prevent harm.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
Report that aims to inform the development of a better approach to pain management in Canada.
Coalition for Safe and Effective Pain Management
A series of evidence-informed resources that describe effective school-based approaches that aim to enhance well-being and prevent problematic substance use.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Free one-day training sessions offered to users and their relatives, to and community-based workers who could find themselves in an overdose situation and want to develop the means to respond. (in French only)
Association des intervenants en dépendance du Québec
A virtual toolkit that links to various communication tools for pharmacists and their patients in the context of opioid use.
National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities
A summary of questions and answers about opioids for individuals who may consider reducing or eliminating their opioid use.
Trial summary with critical appraisal and insights from a randomized controlled trial.
Trial summary with critical appraisal and insights from a randomized controlled trial.
Report outlining the current state of care for pain, education options and research being conducted in Canada.
Canadian Pain Task Force
A list of questions to consider and relevant information about pain after wisdom tooth removal.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
A list of questions to consider and relevant information about opioid use for short-term pain.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
Provides guidance on establishing a prevention, detection and response system for diverted controlled substances in healthcare facilities.
Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
A decision support tool outlining the available evidence and its quality related to various treatment options for pain.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health
Recommendations and guidance for various medical specialties and patients to have an informed conversation about opioid use and how to reduce the harms associated with opioid prescribing.
Choosing Wisely Canada Recommendations
Professional practice recommendations to inform clinical decision making in the assessment and management of neck and back pain, as well as two referral tools to support inter-professional communication and collaboration.
Canadian Chiropractic Association
A handout that answers questions an individual might have when prescribed an opioid following surgery
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
A template based on best available evidence to assist family physicians and primary care nurse practitioners evaluate opioid therapies and reduce opioid dosages where appropriate
The Centre for Effective Practice
Poster of the 2017 Canadian Opioid Prescribing Guideline
Pan-Canadian Collaborative for Improved Opioid Prescribing
Supports, coordinates and synchronizes leading innovative and high-impact research with the ultimate goal of removing barriers to better chronic pain management
Chronic Pain Network
Point-of-care tool that summarizes essential information and advice from the Canadian Guideline for Safe and Effective Use of Opioid for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre
Quality standard that addresses care for people 15 years of age and older with acute pain who have been prescribed or are considering opioids.
Health Quality Ontario
Safety bulletin and infographic
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
Guidelines for clinical practice developed by an international team of clinicians, researchers and patients
Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre
A review of accreditation standards for undergraduate medical education, an environmental scan of offerings across Canadian medical schools, and best practices for teaching and evaluation in opioid prescribing and pain management, primarily in non-cancer pain
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
Recommendations to reduce the prevalence of opioid prescribing by optimizing non-pharmacological pain management alternatives in Canada
Coalition for Safe and Effective Pain Management
Resources that ensure the quality, access and availability of supports that can help individuals experiencing harms from opioid use.
Describes virtual training offered to professionals who are members of care teams that work with people who have an opioid-related disorder.
National Institute of Public Health in Quebec
Opioid toolkit includes a variety of provincial and federal resources for nurses and the public.
Nurses Association of New Brunswick
List of opioid agonist treatment providers and clinics located in British Columbia’s Interior Health Authority.
Interior Health (British Columbia)
Statement from British Columbia’s Minister of Addictions and Mental Health, Sheila Malcolmson about the Special Committee on Health, which reaffirm the tools the government is using to address the overdose crisis and toxic drug supply.
British Columbia Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
Guide for patients on buprenorphine for opioid use disorder and their families. Provides general information about the medication, who it’s for and what to expect.
Nova Scotia Health
Poster for healthcare providers in ED. Using a flowchart, illustrates how to approach situations where a patient presents with opioid withdrawal, overdose or complication related to opioid use.
Meta PHI
Poster describes different types of opioid agonist treatment (OAT) medication available in most jurisdictions to treat opioid use disorder.
Foundry, British Columbia
Information sheet for people interested in or starting buprenorphine/naloxone. Provides information about what to expect, how to take it, monitoring and safe storage.
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
PDF pamphlet for individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) and their family and friends. Offers information about OUD and support services specific to people living in Alberta
Alberta Health Services
Sample order set for clinicians starting patients on Buprenorphine
Meta PHI
Information for healthcare professionals and stakeholders on some aspects of the province's response to opioid use and overdose.
Ontario Ministry of Health
Animated video explores the impacts of stigma on all aspects of treatment for people living with opioid use disorder and how we can work together to move beyond stigma.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Nursing best practice guideline for methadone maintenance treatment.
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Recommendations about opioid safety for adult palliative medicine.
Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians
Guidelines on the use of methadone and buprenorphine for OAT, with a brief discussion on the use of methadone for pain management.
College of Pharmacists of Manitoba
Decision aid for treatment pathways.
Information for patients on the use of short-term opioids to manage pain and reduce side effects and harms.
CHU Sainte-Justine
French translation and Quebec contextualization of the American Psychological Association’s The Opioid Guide: A Resource Guide for Practicing Psychologists.
Ordre des psychologues du Québec
Provides key areas to consider when supporting individuals with opioid use disorder who are living in rural and remote communities:
First Nations Health Authority
Guide to Chronic (Non-Cancer/Non-Palliative) Pain Management with Patients Already on Opioid Therapy
Guide for family medicine residents.
College of Family Physicians of Canada
Important messages from a webinar series for pharmacists about opioids and links to the webinars.
Canadian Pharmacists Association
Prescribing guidance from the professional body.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia
Information sheet for patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain.
Alberta College of Pharmacists
Provides standardized measures of the total amount of opioid dispensed to allow for comparison, safe combining and prescribing of opioids.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Issues brief on opioids and pain management for nurses and nurse practitioners.
Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia
Information sheet for clients and patients who are prescribed methadone.
Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal
Information sheet for clients and patients who are prescribed buprenorphine/naloxone.
Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal
A resource for physicians who prescribe methadone for the management of pain.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan
Evidence-based information for prescribers on the effectiveness, use, contraindications and prescribing of 28-day depot buprenorphine injection.
Meta PHI
Treatment protocol and information about opioids and naloxone administration for healthcare providers.
Alberta Health Services
Knowledge synthesis focusing on what makes interventions for the prevention and treatment of opioid dependency work in Indigenous contexts. Of particular interest are non-pharmacochemical wrap-around models.
Alberta First Nations Information Governance Centre
Document outlining expectations for safe nurse practitioner prescribing, including professional responsibilities and accountabilities, restrictions to prescribing, legal obligations and requirements for managing opioid use disorder.
College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Information sheet for patients.
Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care
Learning module for healthcare practitioners to provide education and support for evidence-based, patient-centred, trauma-informed and culturally-safe care for a pregnant person who experiences substance use and for a newborn exposed to substances during pregnancy.
University of British Columbia, Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine
A manual for the perinatal substance use learning module for healthcare practitioners.
Perinatal Services BC
Resources to assist provincial governments and health authorities in determining whether supervised injectable opioid agonist treatment programs should be expanded in Ontario, along with documentation of system level processes necessary for successful implementation.
Addictions and Mental Health Ontario
Safety bulletin about methadone prescribing.
Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada
Guidelines for addressing opioid neurotoxicity in palliative care.
Alberta Health Services
OAT Guidelines for Quebec physicians. (in French only)
Collège des médecins du Québec
Describes the challenges and potential solutions to disruptions in treatment.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Evidence summary of the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of injectable opioid agonist treatment, compared with alternative pharmacological treatments or no treatment, for individuals with opioid dependency.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
This simplified guideline for managing opioid use disorder was developed with a primary care focus. Recommendations are accompanied by practice pearls and additional resources to support primary care practitioners and shared, informed decision making with patients.
Canadian Family Physician
Presents some key areas to consider when supporting Indigenous individuals with opioid use disorder who are living in rural and remote communities.
First Nations Health Authority
The opioid agonist therapy (OAT) standards define the minimum acceptable level of care in Saskatchewan to ensure patient safety for the dispensing of opioid agonist therapies for the treatment of opioid use disorders.
Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals
Case studies with four Canadian primary care providers who offer responses to opioid harms that extend beyond those outlined in the guidelines of the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse. The report suggests that access to pharmaceutical opioid options could substantially improve quality of care and quality of life among people who use opioids.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Two-page support for prescribers making decisions on medication choice, treatment considerations, dosage and symptom management.
Alberta College of Family Physicians
Outlines the opioid agonist treatment assessment criteria that are used by community operations advisors when conducting a community pharmacy assessment of a pharmacy that provides opioid agonist treatment.
Ontario College of Pharmacists
Description of opioid agonist treatment purpose and context, and the medications and prescribing practices used to administer it.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
A course to prepare learners to effectively and safely manage the treatment of clients receiving methadone or buprenorphine for opioid use disorder.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
An online course providing healthcare workers with evidence-based tools and recommendations and guiding them through a point-of-care tool.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Environmental scan describing opioid addiction treatment programs in Canada and internationally, including their wait times and patient characteristics.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
A handbook about treatment and opioid agonist therapy written by people with lived and living experience using opioid and other street drugs.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
The first national injectable opioid agonist treatment guideline, including a clinical guideline and an operational guidance document.
Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse
An environmental scan for healthcare providers outlining the training programs available to initiate and maintain treatment of opioid use disorder.
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Online courses to support clinician management of individuals living with chronic pain and/or opioid use disorder, including topics such as connections with mental health, non-pharmacological pain management and safer opioid prescribing.
An online tool that provides primary care providers with detailed guidance on identifying, and managing individuals living with an opioid use disorder, including approaches for buprenorphine-naloxone induction.
Centre for Effective Practice
Outlines the evidence for the various components in the continuum of care for the treatment of opioid use disorder, including principles for the manner in which services should be delivered, and highlights the actions taking place across Canada to respond to the opioid crisis.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Supplement that emphasize developmentally appropriate, youth-centred, trauma-informed, culturally appropriate care for youth.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
Supplement that emphasize developmentally appropriate, youth-centred, trauma-informed, culturally appropriate care for youth.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
Outlines optimal treatment approaches and the strength of the evidence behind the recommendations
Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse
Care pathways to guide treatment for prescription drug harms
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Practice point that focuses on the effects of opioid withdrawal and current management strategies in the care of infants born to mothers with opioid dependency
Canadian Paediatric Society
Quality standard that addresses care for people 16 years of age and older (including those who are pregnant) who have or are suspected of having opioid use disorder
Health Quality Ontario
Provides evidence-based approaches to support and care for youth through substance withdrawal.
Hamilton Health Sciences
Guidance on urine drug testing in the clinical management of opioid use disorder.
Guidance on OAT for Ontario residential treatment centres.
Guidance for prescribers.
Education modules for students and faculty in social work, pharmacy and registered nursing programs.
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
Resources that outline efforts to reduce the harms experiences from opioid use, including opioid poisonings.
Statement from the government of Alberta about new standards for narcotic transition services.
Government of Alberta
Infographic poster with information about how benzodiazepines and benoz-like substances may complicate opioid overdoses and how to respond.
Toward the Heart
Information about naloxone, including links to resources about recognizing and responding to overdoses, and information about naloxone training.
Government of British Columbia
Informational poster about how to administer naloxone and what to do if individuals do not respond to the drug.
Toward the Heart
Blog post about xylazine provides responses to FAQs. Responses draw on research, lived experience and data collected by the Vancouver Island Drug Checking project.
Vancouver Island Drug Checking Project
Resources including posters, infographics and videos about naloxone training, Q&As and other opioid overdose related topics.
University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy
Webpage that reports local data from Sudbury about opioid-related harms.
Community Drug Strategy (Public Health Sudbury & Districts)
Updated manual with best practices and guides for overdose prevention sites.
Vancouver Coastal Health
List of enhanced actions the British Columbia government is taking to respond to the increase in drug poisonings.
British Columbia Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
Practical toolkit to support organizations becoming community-based naloxone distribution sites. Includes information about how to identify trainers, order and distribute kits, and report to Alberta Health Services.
Alberta Health Services
Outlines the roles and responsibilities of licensed practical nurses in helping Albertans understand and respond to opioid overdoses with the administration of naloxone.
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta
Handout on naloxone's effectiveness, with information on storage and expiry considerations, the Good Samaritan Act and the impact of naloxone on opioid use.
University of Waterloo
Report on the findings from focus groups held with people using opioids from the unregulated market. Assesses the concept of safe supply and provides operational design and delivery guidance.
Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council
Infographic on the definition, benefits and target population for safer opioid supply.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Information sheet on community-based naloxone program recommendations on suspected Opioid poisoning response
Alberta Health Services
Education for members of the general public and for educators in the Take Home Naloxone program about naloxone use.
Government of Manitoba
Brochure describing a community-based program for safer opioid supply.
London InterCommunity Health Centre
Information sheet on how to identify an overdose and use naloxone.
York Region, Public Health
Handout for the public on how to identify an overdose and respond with naloxone.
Interprofessional Opioid Pain Service
Knowledge synthesis undertaken to inform those who provide harm reduction or treatment services to individuals in situations of social precarity who have complex health and social needs.
Institut universitaire sur les dépendances
Treatment protocol and information about opioids and naloxone administration for healthcare providers.
Alberta Health Services
Hand out describing safe use of Fentanyl Test Strips.
Interior Health
Examines possible benefits of providing a safe supply of substances to people who use drugs during public health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ontario HIV Treatment Network
Hand out to help clinicians discuss with patients the use of opioid agonist therapy, and share advice about the risks, benefits and adverse effects of buprenorphine/naloxone.
Institute for Safe Medical Practices
Hand out to help clinicians discuss with patients the use of opioid agonist therapy, and share advice about the risks, benefits and adverse effects of methadone.
Institute for Safe Medical Practices
Highlights actions taken to implement the Toronto Overdose Action Plan, including issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and recommends additional actions to address the opioid poisoning crisis in the context of the pandemic and the increasingly toxic drug supply.
City of Toronto
Key indicators from a program designed to reduce adverse events and long-term dependence, and avoid future opioid misuse, while maintaining pain management for people receiving opioids during their acute admission.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
Position statement offering recommendations designed to position emergency medicine, emergency health care providers and EDs as key partners in a strategy to address Canada’s opioid crisis.
Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
Comments on Health Canada’s proposal to develop new regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act for supervised consumption sites and services.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Provides results of samples from the unregulated drug supply checked by Toronto’s drug checking service between Oct. 2019 and Mar. 2020 and discusses key findings.
Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation
Knowledge summary outlining the results of a survey describing naloxone kit possession among people who use drugs in British Columbia.
B.C. Centre for Disease Control
A toolkit to help post-secondary programs develop a protocol to prevent and respond to opioid overdose.
Canadian Mental Health Association
An environmental scan of naloxone access and distribution across Canada, including barriers to use and number of kits reported as used to reverse an overdose.
Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse
Analysis of naloxone distribution from pharmacy and community-based programs in relation to benchmarks.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
A 10-chapter video resource for frontline healthcare workers to ensure individuals who use drugs receive non-judgmental, compassionate and trauma-informed care.
BC Centre for Disease Control and the National Film Board of Canada
A one-page summary of the concept and availability of “safe supply” of drugs.
Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs
An alert outlining the limitations of fentanyl test strips.
Health Canada
Videos that outline pharmacists’ role in the opioid crisis and how to administer nasal and injectable naloxone.
Canadian Pharmacists Association
Recommendations and guidance for various models to offer safe consumption services.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
An excel template to help jurisdictions evaluate making naloxone more accessible
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
An environmental scan outlining naloxone availability as of November 2017
Canadian Pharmacists Association
A guide that provides an overview of Ontario’s current situation regarding opioids, and content for organizations to develop an overdose protocol
Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario
Safe medication use newsletter with suggestions for questions to ask your healthcare provider or doctor
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
A guide that outlines four key elements of a public health overdose response and suggests a process for implementing a community overdose response plan
University of Victoria, Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Elements of effective safer supply based on feedback from people who use drugs.
University of Victoria
Guidelines for the distribution of naloxone for pharmacists.
Alberta College of Pharmacy
Checklist for naloxone provision for clinicians.
University of Waterloo
Examination of the impact of the pandemic on harm reduction services in Manitoba and identify best practices for harm reduction providers..
Resources related to police and other enforcement agency efforts to reduce harms from illicit opioid use.
Research brief on a study conducted to explore how substance use patterns among men of different ethnocultural backgrounds who were incarcerated in federal institutions changed between 2006 and 2019.
Correctional Services Canada
Statement from the commanding officer about the report Organized Crime in Yukon: An Examination of Criminal Networks and the Associated Impact, which analyzes criminal activity in Yukon and provides information to guide future enforcement activities.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Summary of round table meeting in 2018 hosted by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction and Public Safety Canada to share lessons learned from across the country about how to respond to the opioid epidemic.
Public Safety Canada
Provides information on opioids and the role of the police and related supports in the strategy to address the opioid crisis.
Government of Canada
Provides information on opioids and the role of the police and related supports in the strategy to address the opioid crisis.
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
Guideline addressing bail conditions for accused with substance use disorders while ensuring due regard for the protection of public safety.
Public Prosecution Service of Canada
Report highlighting the Ontario Provincial Police’s response to the opioid crisis, including trends and statistics.
Ontario Provincial Police
A report on actions the Vancouver Police Department took from 2017 to 2019 to respond to the opioid crisis.
Vancouver Police Department
A summary of the knowledge shared on various enforcement perspectives at a meeting held in September 2019.
Public Safety Canada
A webpage outlining the charges the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act can and cannot provides protections against, as well as links to a poster and information card.
Ontario Provincial Police
Overdose Incidents in Federal Custody, 2012/2013-2016/2017
Correctional Services Canada
A summary of the knowledge shared on various enforcement perspectives at a meeting held in March 2018. A summary of the knowledge shared on various enforcement perspectives at a meeting held in March 2018.
Public Safety Canada and Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
A review of key concepts and illustrative examples, and a summary of lessons learned to inform policy and practice.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Report on actions enforcement has and can take to respond to the opioid crisis
Police Executive Research Forum
Interactive database and report with estimates on opioid prescribing, opioid-related hospitalizations and emergency department visits, and opioid-related deaths.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Describes the circumstances of a subpopulation of people who died from substance-related acute toxicity, including substances involved and circumstances of their death.
Government of Canada
Investigative findings providing insight into the circumstances of a decedent’s life, recommendations for prevention and areas for program or policy improvement.
BC Coroners Service
Resources that provide research evidence and data related to opioids and the extent of and response to the crisis.
Infographic about the impact of drug toxicity and the opioid crisis on construction workers.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Summary of findings from a report about the drugs most commonly prescribed to seniors in Canada, including those living in long-term care facilities.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Report by the Select Standing Committee on Health in British Columbia that examines and makes recommendations about the urgent and ongoing illicit drug toxicity and overdose crisis.
Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Report on the implementation of the Simcoe Muskoka Pillar Actions (2018-2021). Includes data on the opioid-related harms. This report provides a status update on the activities and data on opioid related harms.
Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy Steering Committee
Report highlights the experiences of harm reduction workers during the overdose emergency and COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact on those providing services.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Government of Canada statement on surveillance data about opioid- and stimulant-related harms from January 2016 to December 2021 and projections to December 2022. Statement includes links to information about related topics, including naloxone and stigma.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Report highlights the experiences of harm reduction workers during the overdose emergency and COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact on those providing services.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Webpage with links to infographic and research article evaluating the impact of Canada’s first safer opioid supply program on health service use and costs.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Map of opioid prevention, harm reduction, treatment and enforcement in communities across Canada.
Health Canada
Substance use data to help the government better understand the addiction challenges in Alberta and make informed, strategic decisions about how best to create a recovery-oriented system of care that supports individuals experiencing addiction.
Government of Alberta
Status report on actions taken to implement the Toronto Overdose Action Plan with recommendations for actions to mitigate the harms from drugs that are worsening during the COVID-19 pandemic.
City of Toronto
Report on simulation model of opioid-related deaths that provided information on the number of these deaths that might occur during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 through to June 2022.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Provincial surveillance report providing current data on key overdose-related indicators.
BC Centre for Disease Control
Follow up and progress assessment of the recommendations made in the 2018 report that brought attention to the need for a youth-specific response to the opioid crisis.
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate Alberta
Describes patterns of medication and healthcare use among people who died of an opioid-related toxicity in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic, including a discussion of the characteristics and patterns of healthcare use among people who were experiencing homelessness.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Introduction to selected health aspects of the opioid crisis in Canada, including key statistics, considerations related to the impact of the crisis on different groups of people, and information about recent federal initiatives and activities in the Parliament of Canada intended to address the crisis.
Library of Parliament
Evaluation of a program using a harm reduction approach to reduce health risks associated with substance use, and examine potential for scaling the program up.
London InterCommunity Health Program
Evaluation of the Toronto Shelter-Hotel Overdose Preparedness Assessment Project with recommendations for future projects.
Toronto Shelter-Hotel Overdose Action Task Force
Captures and explores the experience of overdose of people who live in Ontario, including what happened, where, and how others responded to help. Includes suggestions for improvement.
MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions
Summary of evaluation of Canada's safer supply pilot projects with lessons learned related to design and implementation.
Health Canada
Qualitative evaluation of Canada's safer supply pilot projects with lessons learned related to design and implementation.
Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch, Health Canada
Discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on harm reduction services in Manitoba and identifies best practices for harm reduction providers.
National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases
Data from the BC Harm Reduction Client Survey on administration of opioids via smoking.
BC Centre for Disease Control
Surveillance report presenting emergency department, prescription and mortality data associated with fentanyl, other opioids and other substances in Alberta.
Government of Alberta
Quarterly surveillance reports describing data on apparent opioid overdoses and deaths in New Brunswick, along with data on the take-home naloxone kit distribution and use.
Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health of New Brunswick
Rapid review that seeks to identify, appraise and summarize emerging research evidence to support evidence-informed decision making.
National Collaborating Center on Methods and Tools
Webinar and slides presenting key data.
Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario
Report of recent findings from drug checking services on Vancouver Island.
University of Victoria
A rapid review supporting public health decision makers’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the opioid crisis.
National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools
Statistics for all Saskatchewan deaths where the cause of death was due to a drug toxicity.
Saskatchewan Coroners Service
Staff report providing an update on the opioid poisoning crisis and identifying key actions needed urgently to help address the crisis.
City of Toronto
Findings from medical charts about the personal, social and medical circumstances of a sample of young adults, women and South Asian men who died from illicit drug toxicity in Fraser Health.
Fraser Health
Research report estimating the size of the market for fentanyl in British Columbia by calculating what people who use drugs spend on fentanyl or fentanyl-contaminated opioids or stimulants.
Cullen Commission of British Columbia on Money Laundering
Interprofessional education guidelines on opioid use and opioid use disorder.
Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada, Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, Canadian Association for Social Work Education
Infographic reporting the results of recent testing.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
Data about presumed non-intentional opioid and other drug-related deaths in Quebec. (in French only)
Institut national de santé publique du Québec
An examination of non-fatal consequences of opioid use for a comprehensive picture of opioid use in Quebec. Provides data on use of healthcare services related to possible opioid intoxication. (in French only)
Institut national de santé publique du Québec
10 suggestions to improve practices related to the management of people who use opioids, more specifically practices on OUD-related treatment in Quebec (in French only)
Institut universitaire sur les dépendances
Report on consultations to identify best practices and to gather suggestions for the development of effective strategies to better understand, prevent and manage pain.
Canadian Pain Task Force
Activities, resources and recommendations to inform effective and safe use and prescribing of opioids for acute pain in infants, children and youth.
Solutions for Kids in Pain and Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement
Statistics on opioid poisoning emergency department visits at hospitals in Simcoe Muskoka.
Simcoe Muskoka
Timely opioid-related information to the public, community partners, and individuals who use substances.
Brant County Health Unit
Local and timely information about opioid use and poisonings in the region.
Waterloo Region
Saskatchewan statistics on drug toxicity deaths, 2010–2020.
Saskatchewan Coroners Service
Statistics about the circumstances that contributed to opioid-related deaths to inform preventive interventions and policies.
Public Health Ontario
Summary of deaths for which fentanyl or its analogues were detected.
BC Coroners Service
Outlines the progress made and the challenges witnessed by the OPP, along with statistics, next steps and future priorities.
Ontario Provincial Police
Details regional responses and statistics.
Fraser Health
Quarterly surveillance report describes data on apparent opioid overdoses and deaths in New Brunswick, along with data on the take-home naloxone kit distribution and use.
New Brunswick Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health
Highlights the effects of COVID-19 on unintentional opioid poisonings.
Government of Alberta
Evidence on opioids divided under the topics of pain treatment; misuse, overdose and harms; opioid use disorder; and alternatives to opioids.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
Presents the findings of a study that examined the association between mothers’ postoperative opioid prescriptions and opioid-related emergency department presentations or inpatient admissions by their children.
Statistics Canada
Describes Canadian life expectancy and the probable impact of the opioid crisis.
Statistics Canada
Quarterly report of progress on eight core interventions that form an integrated, comprehensive response to the overdose crisis across the province.
BC Centre for Disease Control
Summarizes all unintentional illicit drug toxicity deaths in British Columbia (accidental and undetermined) that occurred between January 1, 2010, and July 31, 2020, inclusive.
British Columbia Coroners Service
Allows users to explore the most recent opioid-related morbidity and mortality data, including emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths.
Public Health Ontario
Examines opioid prescribing patterns of dentists in Ontario from 2014–2016.
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario
Report summarizing historical patterns of opioid use and overdose to inform future drug policy.
Institute for Clinical Evaluation Sciences Report
Description of the findings of an 18-months research project that aimed to develop a better understanding of stigma in an opioid use context, identify learning needs among first responders and establish a measure for evaluating anti-stigma initiatives for first responders.
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Summary of key findings and evidence gaps identified by CADTH in the context of opioid use disorder treatment.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health
Report discusses findings within the context of initiatives and guidelines aimed at reducing harms associated with prescription opioid use.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Clinical guidelines that highlight the issues facing older adults with or at risk for an opioid use disorder and that provides recommendations for the prevention, screening, assessment and treatment of opioid use disorder in older adults.
Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health
Report examining the impact of the opioid prescribing guideline for the dental profession.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
An audio series where individuals affected by the opioid crisis share their personal stories.
Health Canada
A review of Chief Medical Examiner’s case files in conjunction with administrative data from Alberta Health to learn about the individuals dying from opioid-related deaths, detect patterns, and inform responses.
Alberta Health
Report outlining trends and characteristics related to confirmed opioid-related deaths in Ontario.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network, Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario and Public Heath Ontario
A summary of apparent opioid-related deaths as of May 15, 2019.
Public Health Agency of Canada
An article outlining the employment history and income sources of individuals who experienced a fatal illicit drug overdose between 2007 and 2016 in British Columbia.
Statistics Canada
A summary of apparent opioid-related deaths as of March 2019.
Public Health Agency of Canada
A summary of apparent opioid-related deaths, hospitalizations and emergency room visits as of December 2018.
Government of Canada
The personal stories of eleven individuals’ experiences with opioids.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network and Health Debate Project
An infographic outlining the characteristics of individuals who experienced an opioid-related death in 2016.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
An interactive tool that displays trends in opioid prescribing across Ontario from 2012 onwards. Indicators can be displayed by month, year, age group, sex and geography.
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Brief summary of prescription opioids and considerations unique for women.
Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
Brief summary of sex and gender differences related to opioid use and its impact.
Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
Summary of the U.S. experience that provides data on prevalence of substance use, opioid misuse, opioid use disorders, and opioid overdoses and related harms, as well as the public health response across the continuum of care.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Data on opioid-related mortality as of September 2018.
Public Health Agency of Canada
A chartbook that provides trends in the prescribing of opioids and benzodiazepines for 2017.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
A map that provides estimated opioid-related hospitalizations in 2017 by jurisdiction.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Emergency Medical Services information from available jurisdictions is provided to allow for examination of suspected opioid-related overdoses in pre-hospital settings.
Public Health Agency of Canada in partnership with the Canadian Institute for Health Information
Presents data collected by the provinces and territories on apparent opioid-related deaths.
Public Health Agency of Canada in partnership with the Canadian Institute for Health Information
A summary of analyses evaluating the impact of the Fentanyl P4P return program
Public Safety Canada
Data on opioid-related mortality as of December 2017
Public Health Agency of Canada
Report on data related to positives and areas for improvement related to ‘new starts’ of opioids
Health Quality Ontario
An interactive tool that allows users to explore the most recent opioid-related morbidity and mortality data, including emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths
Public Health Ontario
Report based on survey findings of Canadian family physicians and community pharmacists
Canada Health Infoway
Survey of Canadians knowledge of opioid issue and risks, and the willingness to act as of November 2017
Statistics Canada
A report, infographic and data tables
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Report of community-based prescription data on the number of people receiving opioid prescriptions and the quantity of opioids prescribed in Canada
Government of Canada
Report of community-based prescription data on the number of people receiving opioid prescriptions and the quantity of opioids prescribed in Canada
Canadian Institute for Health Information
National efforts that represent collaborations and information sharing to combat the opioid crisis.
Report conducted by Alberta’s Child and Youth Advocate on the circumstances of 15 young people who died between Oct. 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022, when those circumstances met the criteria for a mandatory review.
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate Alberta
Resource about opioid stewardship including opioid use, prescribing practices, safe storage and disposal. Resources include infographics, webpages and text.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
Report from Alberta’s Select Special Committee to Examine Safe Supply, which began in January 2022.
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Provides information about, and links to, the summary report on Alberta’s Primary Health Care Opioid Response Initiative.
Alberta College of Family Physicians
Webpage where individuals may submit an anonymous form to the York Region to report an overdose, suspected drug poisoning or bad reaction to a substance; harmful drugs in the community; or other concerns.
York Region, Ontario
Describes the relationship between opioid pain relief medication use and reports of a mood disorder diagnosis in Canadian adults.
Health Canada
Outlines a system-wide response to slow and stop toxic drug death in the context of preventing deaths while also supporting First Nations broader mental health and wellness goals.
First Nations Health Authority
Scale designed for those in the helping professions for evaluating the impact of initiatives or programs designed to reduce stigma, for measuring the level of stigma in an organization as part of a needs assessment, as an awareness raising tool, or as a tracking or performance measure.
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Outlines actions taken to ensure opioid use disorder treatment services and supports continue to be provided in a safe manner during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Government of Nova Scotia
Infographic describing the rates of overdose deaths among members of First Nations populations in BC and actions taken to address the crisis.
First Nations Health Authority
Video of an interactive exhibit that invited participants to walk through three different narratives based on real-life experiences of those affected by opioid use and a DIY kit to support organizations who are interested in adapting and hosting an exhibit.
Community Drug Strategy, Strathcona County, Alberta
Webpage of information and prevention resources.
Interior Health
School-focused resource for prevention and education of youth
Interior Health
Describes the lived experience of individuals using opioids in Timiskaming and their health and medical needs.
Timiskaming Health Unit
Provides potential diagnostic difficulties and risk management strategies for diseases associated with intravenous drug use.
Canadian Medical Protective Association
This overview identifies the actions taken by the Government of Canada since early 2016 to address the opioid crisis and provides a national picture of the public health impact of opioids in Canada.
Government of Canada
Strategy outlining Alberta’s guiding principles, facilitators of change, and focus areas and priorities for achieving excellence in pain management across the lifespan from 2019–2024.
Alberta Health Services
Toolkit for substance use and child welfare practitioners and others who offer services to or design services with pregnant women and new mothers who use substances.
Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
Resources and guides for journalists and opioid leaders to ensure drug use and addiction are represented accurately and humanely in the media.
Health in Justice Action Lab, Northeastern University School of Law
A handbook with resources for those who have lost a loved one to drug-related harms.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
This report summarizes the opioid-related knowledge sharing from the United States and Canada and the actions that have resulted directly from a partnership sponsored by the United States Embassy to Canada in Ottawa.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
This report summarizes the dialogue shared among diverse stakeholders over a two-day event, held in September 2018, examining the various aspects of the opioid crisis and opportunities for collaboration.
Health Canada
Recommendations for the media to reduce stigma and help shift public opinion.
Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
A Discussion Guide for Health Care and Social Service Providers
Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
A document explaining the importance of language and providing terminology that is person-centred
Health Canada
A webpage that defines stigma, outlines why it matters and what individuals can do to help.
Health Canada
A video to raise awareness about the effects that stigma has on the quality of life of people who use drugs, people in recovery and their families
Health Canada
Recording of webinars in English and French that address various components of the opioid crisis, including treatment, supervised consumption sites, overdose prevention and more
Canadian Nurses Association
A strategy with 58 recommendations across multiple streams of action to address prescription drug harms
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
A summary of the ministerial roundtable on opioids
Opioid response plan outlining objectives to address prevention, treatment, harm reduction and enforcement.
Durham Region