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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Canadians want answers to their questions about cannabis. We want individuals to have the information they need to make informed choices and know how to lower the risks to their health if they decide to use cannabis.

Our vision for public education is simple: to provide accessible, evidence-based information. Working closely with our strategic partners, we develop relevant resources that speak to Canada’s diverse population.

This page provides information on CCSA’s suite of public education resources about cannabis and links to resources developed in collaboration with partners. Educators looking for resources on young people and substance use can also visit the Educators and Youth and Emerging Adults pages.


Is It OK to Use Cannabis During Pregnancy and while Breastfeeding? [poster]


Knowing Your Limits with Cannabis: A Practical Guide to Assessing Your Cannabis Use


Psychiatry Admissions and Cannabis Use [infographic]


Cannabis Perceptions among Canadian Adolescent Boys and Girls [infographic]


A Guide to Cannabis for Older Adults


COVID-19 and Cannabis Smoking: 4 Things You Should Know [infographic]


COVID-19 and Cannabis: How to Reduce Your Risk [infographic]


Cannabis and Your Medications [Infographic]


Cannabis and Other Substances [Infographic]


However You Use It, Cannabis is Cannabis [infographic]


How To Safely Store Your Cannabis [infographic]


Know the Health Risks of Cannabis [infographic]

Partner Resources

Frequent vomiting from use of cannabis

This resource provides information about cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, the health risks associated with the condition and options for its treatment and prevention. CCSA has developed it in collaboration with the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, Patients for Patient Safety Canada, the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, the Canadian Pharmacists Association and Safe Medication Use.

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