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Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l’usage de substances

L’information sur l’usage de substances et la COVID-19 présentée dans cette section provient de collections de ressources, de publications scientifiques, des gouvernements fédéral, provinciaux et territoriaux, ainsi que d’organisations professionnelles.

Le CCDUS ne peut garantir l’exactitude ni l’actualité de l’information contenue dans ces ressources. L’inclusion d’une ressource sur cette page ne sous-entend en aucun cas son approbation ou autorisation par le CCDUS.

Publications scientifiques

Publications scientifiques

Ressource Organisation
A Descriptive Comparison of Substance Use Services in Recovery and Isolation Sites for People Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Boston and Toronto (en anglais seulement) Public Health Reports
Technology-assisted methadone take-home dosing for dispensing methadone to persons with opioid use disorder during the Covid-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
The Double Effect of COVID-19 Confinement Measures and Economic Recession on High-Risk Drug Users and Drug Services (en anglais seulement) European Addiction Research
L'analyse des eaux usées laisse croire que la consommation de fentanyl, de cannabis et de méthamphétamine a augmenté au début de la pandémie Le Quotidien, Statistique Canada
The impact of COVID-19 on healthcare delivery for people who use opioids: a scoping review (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Substance use and abuse, COVID-19-related distress, and disregard for social distancing: A network analysis (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Take home injectable opioids for opioid use disorder during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic is in urgent need: a case study (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Securing Safe Supply During COVID-19 and Beyond: Scoping Review and Knowledge Mobilization (en anglais seulement) Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Sociodemographic changes in emergency department visits due to alcohol during COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Screening and brief intervention for substance use disorders in times of COVID-19: potential opportunities, adaptations, and challenges (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Leveraging digital tools to support recovery from substance use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic response (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Relationship of substance dependence and time to RT-PCR negative status in patients with COVID-19 infection (en anglais seulement) Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Review of opioid risk assessment tools with the growing need for telemedicine (en anglais seulement) Pain Management
Methadone Access for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within the United States and Canada (en anglais seulement) JAMA Network Open
Pathways between COVID-19 public health responses and increasing overdose risks: A rapid review and conceptual framework (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
Psychological and Demographic Determinants of Substance Use and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic (en anglais seulement) Frontiers in Public Health
Opioid use disorder treatment disruptions during the early COVID-19 pandemic and other emergent disasters: a scoping review addressing dual public health emergencies (en anglais seulement) BMC Public Health
Mental health and substance use among children and adolescents amidst COVID-19: A systematic review (en anglais seulement) Canadian Institutes of Health Research
A glass half empty or a glass half full? Addressing the opioid crisis through the lens of COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
A qualitative study on overdose response in the era of COVID-19 and beyond: how to spot someone so they never have to use alone (en anglais seulement) Harm Reduction Journal
Going virtual: youth attitudes toward and experiences of virtual mental health and substance use services during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) BMC Health Services Research
Home delivery of legal intoxicants in the age of COVID‐19 (en anglais seulement) Addiction
Genetic Liability to Cannabis Use Disorder and COVID-19 Hospitalization (en anglais seulement) Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science
Adapting inpatient addiction medicine consult services during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice
Alcohol consumption and the COVID-19 pandemic : synthesizing knowledge for policy action (en anglais seulement) Canadian Institutes of Health Research
A rapid review of opioid substitution therapy during major disruptions to medical care (en anglais seulement) Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Digital Health Solutions to Support Women with Addiction during COVID-19: Applying a Gender- and Trauma-Informed Lens (en anglais seulement) Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Genetic Liability to Cannabis Use Disorder and COVID-19 Hospitalization (en anglais seulement) Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science
Adapting inpatient addiction medicine consult services during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice
Evidence of increased Fentanyl use during the COVID-19 pandemic among opioid agonist treatment patients in Ontario, Canada (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
COVID-19 vaccination among people who inject drugs: Leaving no one behind (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
Recherche quantitative originale – Modifications de la consommation d’alcool pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 : exploration des différences selon le genre et du rôle de la détresse émotionnelle Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada : Recherche, politiques et pratiques
Changes in substance supply and use characteristics among people who use drugs (PWUD) during the COVID-19 global pandemic: A national qualitative assessment in Canada (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
Conceptualizing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with opioid use disorder: an application of the social ecological model (en anglais seulement) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice
COVID-19 impacts on drinking and mental health in emerging adults: Longitudinal changes and moderation by economic disruption and sex (en anglais seulement) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Digital Health Solutions to Support Women with Addiction during COVID-19: Applying a Gender- and Trauma-Informed Lens (en anglais seulement) Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
A rapid review of the impacts of 'Big Events' on risks, harms, and service delivery among people who use drugs: Implications for responding to COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
A longitudinal study of change in substance use from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic in young adults (en anglais seulement) The Lancet Regional Health - Americas
Alcohol and other substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Comparison of Self-harm or Overdose Among Adolescents and Young Adults Before vs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario (en anglais seulement) JAMA Network Open
COVID-19 and opioid use disorder: Expanding treatment access in rural settings (en anglais seulement) Nursing 2021
Getting high to cope with COVID-19: Modelling the associations between cannabis demand, coping motives, and cannabis use and problems (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Mental Health and Substance Use Associated with Hospitalization among People with COVID-19: A Population-Based Cohort Study (en anglais seulement) Viruses
Opportunities to Integrate Mobile App-Based Interventions Into Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services in the Wake of COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Health Promotion
Strategies Adopted by Addiction Facilities during the Coronavirus Pandemic to Support Treatment for Individuals in Recovery or Struggling with a Substance Use Disorder: A Scoping Review (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Substance, use in relation to COVID-19: A scoping review (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
The impact of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on drug overdose-related deaths in the United States and Canada: A systematic review of observational studies and analysis of public health surveillance data (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
The influence of sex, gender, age, and ethnicity on psychosocial factors and substance use throughout phases of the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) PLoS One
Widening mental health and substance use inequities among sexual and gender minority populations: Findings from a repeated cross-sectional monitoring survey during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada (en anglais seulement) Psychiatry Research
Hausse de la consommation d’alcool et d’autres drogues au début de la COVID 19 EENet
The influence of sex, gender, age, and ethnicity on psychosocial factors and substance use throughout phases of the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) PLOS ONE
Mortalité par suicide et par intoxication aux drogues ou aux médicaments dans la première année de la pandémie de COVID-19 : utilisation des données des médecins légistes à des fins de santé publique en Nouvelle-Écosse Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada
Consommation excessive d’alcool pendant la pandémie : risque plus élevé chez les femmes, ceux qui ont des soucis financiers et craignent la COVID-19, les personnes âgées et les groupes à revenus élevés EENet
Recherche en bref : Modification des habitudes de la consommation d’alcool pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 au Canada EENet
Physician Health Care Visits for Mental Health and Substance Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada (en anglais seulement) JAMA Network Open
Opioid treatment programs, telemedicine and COVID-19: A scoping review (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse
Increases in Alcohol and Cannabis Use Associated with Deteriorating Mental Health among LGBTQ2+ Adults in the Context of COVID-19: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study in Canada, 2020–2021 (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of take-home doses of opioid agonist therapy in Ontario, Canada: A population-based time-series analysis (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of take-home doses of opioid agonist therapy (en anglais seulement) Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Evaluating how has care been affected by the Ontario COVID-19 Opioid Agonist Treatment Guidance: Patients’ and prescribers’ experiences with changes in unsupervised dosing (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among people in Australia who inject drugs: Implications for vaccine rollout (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
Clinical and demographic differences in the willingness to use self-administered at-home COVID-19 testing measures among persons with opioid use disorder (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse
Changes in Alcohol Consumption in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations With Anxiety and Self-Perception of Depression and Loneliness (en anglais seulement) Alcohol and Alcoholism
Alcohol and substance use in pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Drug Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol and cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic among transgender, gender-diverse, and cisgender adults in Canada (en anglais seulement) BMC Public Health
A longitudinal approach to understanding risk factors for problem alcohol use during the COVID‐19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
A randomized controlled trial of a therapeutic relational agent for reducing substance misuse during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Drug and alcohol Dependance
Sociodemographic changes in emergency department visits due to alcohol during COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Drug and alcohol Dependance
Perceived Impact of COVID on Smoking, Vaping, Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among Youth and Youth Adults in Canada (en anglais seulement) Revue canadienne de psychiatrie
Getting high to cope with COVID-19: Modelling the associations between cannabis demand, coping motives, and cannabis use and problems (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Changes in Alcohol Consumption in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations With Anxiety and Self-Perception of Depression and Loneliness (en anglais seulement) Alcohol and Alcoholism
The impact of COVID-19 on healthcare delivery for people who use opioids: a scoping review (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Identifying the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on service access for people who use drugs (PWUD): A national qualitative study (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Differential impacts of COVID-19 across racial-ethnic identities in persons with opioid use disorder (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Investigating and addressing the immediate and long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with substance use disorders: a scoping review and evidence map protocol (en anglais seulement) BMJ Open
Review of the adaptations in opioid agonist treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Focus on buprenorphine-based treatment (en anglais seulement) Journal of Opioid Management
Risk factors for elevations in substance use and consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic among sexual and gender minorities assigned female at birth (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
The impact of COVID-19 on gambling and gambling disorder: emerging data (en anglais seulement) Current Opinions in Psychiatry
Patients' perceptions of telehealth services for outpatient treatment of substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Addictions
Understanding the Impacts of Novel Coronavirus Outbreaks on People Who Use Drugs: A Systematic Review to Inform Practice and Drug Policy Responses to COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Assessing international alcohol consumption patterns during isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic using an online survey: highlighting negative emotionality mechanisms (en anglais seulement) BMJ Open
Changes in substance supply and use characteristics among people who use drugs (PWUD) during the COVID-19 global pandemic: A national qualitative assessment in Canada (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
Methadone Access for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within the United States and Canada (en anglais seulement) JAMA Network Open
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown on alcohol use disorders and complications (en anglais seulement) Addictive Disorders
Is another public health crisis brewing beneath the COVID-19 pandemic? (en anglais seulement) Revue canadienne de santé publique
COVID-19, jeux de hasard et d’argent : impacts, transformations et réflexions Chaire de recherche sur l'étude du jeu, Université Concordia
Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur la santé mentale, l’utilisation de substances et le bien-être des adolescents : un sondage rapide d’échantillons cliniques et communautaires Revue canadienne de psychiatrie
Méfaits et facteurs de risque liés à la toxicomanie pendant les périodes de perturbations Santé publique Ontario
Les Canadiens perçoivent leur santé mentale comme étant moins bonne pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Statistique Canada
Home delivery of legal intoxicants in the age of COVID‐19 (en anglais seulement) Addiction
Association of the COVID‐19 lockdown with smoking, drinking and attempts to quit in England: an analysis of 2019–20 data (en anglais seulement) Addiction
Home delivery of legal intoxicants in the age of COVID‐19 (en anglais seulement) Addiction
Optimizing Medication Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder During COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) (en anglais seulement) Addiction
Mitigating and learning from the impact of COVID‐19 infection on addictive disorders (en anglais seulement) Addiction
Study Results: In a Small Sample of Individuals with SUD, Many Are Hesitant to Receive Vaccine (en anglais seulement) Addiction Policy Forum
Substance use and abuse, COVID-19-related distress, and disregard for social distancing: A network analysis (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Substance use and abuse, COVID-19-related distress, and disregard for social distancing: A network analysis (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Changes in alcohol use as a function of psychological distress and social support following COVID-19 related University closings (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Substance use and abuse associated with the behavioral immune system during COVID-19: The special case of healthcare workers and essential workers (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Drinking to cope with the pandemic: The unique associations of COVID-19-related perceived threat and psychological distress to drinking behaviors in American men and women (en anglais seulement) Addictive Behaviors
Adapting Substance Use Treatment for HIV Affected Communities During COVID-19: Comparisons Between a Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Clinic and a Local Community Based Organization (en anglais seulement) AIDS and Behavior
Rapid Implementation of Service Delivery Changes to Mitigate COVID-19 and Maintain Access to Methadone Among Persons with and at High-Risk for HIV in an Opioid Treatment Program (en anglais seulement) AIDS and Behavior
Alcohol use disorder: A pre-existing condition for COVID-19? (en anglais seulement) Alcohol
Are Patients With Alcohol Use Disorders at Increased Risk for Covid-19 Infection? (en anglais seulement) Alcohol and Alcoholism
Complicated Alcohol Withdrawal—An Unintended Consequence of COVID-19 Lockdown (en anglais seulement) Alcohol and Alcoholism
Drinking to Cope During COVID‐19 Pandemic: The Role of External and Internal Factors in Coping Motive Pathways to Alcohol Use, Solitary Drinking, and Alcohol Problems (en anglais seulement) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Brief Report: The Impact of COVID‐19 on Emergency Department Overdose Diagnoses and County Overdose Deaths (en anglais seulement) American Journal on Addictions
Editorial: Challenges to Opioid Use Disorders During COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Addictions
Screening and brief intervention for substance use disorders in times of COVID-19: potential opportunities, adaptations, and challenges (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 
High-Risk Drinking in Midlife Before Versus During the COVID-19 Crisis: Longitudinal Evidence From the United Kingdom (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Leveraging Telehealth in the United States to Increase Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in Pregnancy and Postpartum During the COVID-19 Pandemic (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Psychiatry
Unintended consequences of the transition to telehealth for pregnancies complicated by opioid use disorder during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (en anglais seulement) American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Caring for patients with pain during the COVID-19 pandemic: consensus recommendations from an international expert panel (en anglais seulement) Anaesthesia
Relationship of substance dependence and time to RT-PCR negative status in patients with COVID-19 infection (en anglais seulement) Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Don't forget our dual public health crises (en anglais seulement) Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
Collision of the COVID-19 and Addiction Epidemics (en anglais seulement) Annals of Internal Medicine
An Epidemic in the Midst of a Pandemic: Opioid Use Disorder and COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Annals of Internal Medicine
When Epidemics Collide: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Opioid Crisis (en anglais seulement) Annals of Internal Medicine
COVID-19 pandemic and addiction: Current problems and future concerns (en anglais seulement) Asian Journal of Psychiatry
The US covid pandemic has a sinister shadow—drug overdoses (en anglais seulement) BMJ
Association of the Covid-19 lockdown with smoking, drinking, and attempts to quit in England: an analysis of 2019-2020 data (en anglais seulement) BMJ
Don't forget our dual public health crises (en anglais seulement) Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
Cannabinoids and the Coronavirus (en anglais seulement) Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Substance use, mental health and weight-related behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic in people with obesity (en anglais seulement) Clinical Obesity
COVID-19 and addiction (en anglais seulement) Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews
Socially-supportive norms and mutual aid of people who use opioids: An analysis of Reddit during the initial COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependance
A glass half empty or a glass half full? Addressing the opioid crisis through the lens of COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare access among patients receiving medication for opioid use disorder (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Signal of increased opioid overdose during COVID-19 from emergency medical services data (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Overdose and risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019 (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Dependence
COVID-19 vaccination among people who inject drugs: Leaving no one behind (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
Describing the impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on alcohol‐induced blackout tweets (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
The burden of alcohol on health care during COVID‐19 (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
COVID ‐19 and alcohol in Australia: Industry changes and public health impacts (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
Illicit drug use and harms in Australia in the context of COVID ‐19 and associated restrictions: Anticipated consequences and initial response (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
Alcohol use in times of the COVID 19: Implications for monitoring and policy (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
Challenges of methadone maintenance treatment during the COVID-19 epidemic in China: policy and service recommendation (en anglais seulement) European Neuropsychopharmacology
The impact of heroin illicit market in the framework of COVID 19 pandemic (Letter to the Editor) (en anglais seulement) European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences
Substance Use Disorders and COVID-19: Multi-Faceted Problems Which Require Multi-Pronged Solutions (en anglais seulement) Frontiers in Psychiatry
Rapid evidence review of harm reduction interventions and messaging for people who inject drugs during pandemic events: implications for the ongoing COVID‑19 response (en anglais seulement) Harm Reduction Journal
A national model of remote care for assessing and providing opioid agonist treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: a report (en anglais seulement) Harm Reduction Journal
Challenges in maintaining treatment services for people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Harm Reduction Journal
Alcohol consumption and the COVID-19 pandemic : synthesizing knowledge for policy action (en anglais seulement) Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
A rapid review of opioid substitution therapy during major disruptions to medical care (en anglais seulement) Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Evidence of increased Fentanyl use during the COVID-19 pandemic among opioid agonist treatment patients in Ontario, Canada (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
A rapid review of the impacts of "Big Events" on risks, harms, and service delivery among people who use drugs: Implications for responding to COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
Addressing co-occurring public health emergencies: The importance of naloxone distribution in the era of COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
The perfect storm: COVID-19, mass incarceration and the opioid epidemic (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
Why we should all be more careful in drawing conclusions about how COVID-19 is changing drug markets (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
An urgent impetus for action: safe inhalation interventions to reduce COVID-19 transmission and fatality risk among people who smoke crack cocaine in the United Kingdom (en anglais seulement) International Journal on Drug Policy
Relationships between Perceived Stress, Depression and Alcohol Use Disorders in University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Socio-Economic Dimension (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey of US Adults (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Online Gambling in the Midst of COVID-19: A Nexus of Mental Health Concerns, Substance Use and Financial Stress (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Alcohol Withdrawal Rates in Hospitalized Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic (en anglais seulement) JAMA
Assessment of Filled Buprenorphine Prescriptions for Opioid Use Disorder During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic (en anglais seulement) JAMA Internal Medicine
Substance Use Disorder Linked to Higher COVID-19 Risk (en anglais seulement) JAMA Network
Alcohol Withdrawal Rates in Hospitalized Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic (en anglais seulement) JAMA Network Open
Changes in Adult Alcohol Use and Consequences During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US (en anglais seulement) JAMA Network Open
Telehealth for Substance-Using Populations in the Age of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Recommendations to Enhance Adoption (en anglais seulement) JAMA Psychiatry
People Who Use Drugs Are Experiencing Overlapping Crises During COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) JAMC
Low Barrier Tele-Buprenorphine in the Time of COVID-19: A Case Report (en anglais seulement) Journal of Addiction Medicine
Prevalence of Covid-19 Infection and Subsequent Cohorting in a Residential Substance Use Treatment Program in Boston, MA (en anglais seulement) Journal of Addiction Medicine
Optimizing Medication Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder During COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) (en anglais seulement) Journal of Addiction Medicine
What Does Adolescent Substance Use Look Like During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Examining Changes in Frequency, Social Contexts, and Pandemic-Related Predictors (en anglais seulement) Journal of Adolescent Health
What Does Adolescent Substance Use Look Like During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Examining Changes in Frequency, Social Contexts, and Pandemic-Related Predictors (en anglais seulement) Journal of Adolescent Health
Cannabis in the Time of Coronavirus Disease 2019: The Yin and Yang of the Endocannabinoid System in Immunocompetence (en anglais seulement) The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
COVID-19 stress and substance use: Current issues and future preparations (en anglais seulement) Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Problematic online gaming and the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Alcohol and COVID-19: How Do We Respond to This Growing Public Health Crisis? (en anglais seulement) Journal of General Internal Medicine
Challenges posed by COVID‐19 to people who inject drugs and lessons from other outbreaks (en anglais seulement) Journal of the International AIDS Society
Clinical impact of COVID-19 on people with substance use disorders (en anglais seulement) Journal of Public Health
COVID‐19 During the Opioid Epidemic – Exacerbation of Stigma and Vulnerabilities (en anglais seulement) Journal of Rural Health
A Primary Care Response to COVID‐19 for Patients with an Opioid Use Disorder (en anglais seulement) Journal of Rural Health
Alcohol Policy and Coronavirus: An Open Research Agenda (en anglais seulement) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Telemedicine increases access to buprenorphine initiation during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Take-home dosing experiences among persons receiving methadone maintenance treatment during COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Leveraging digital tools to support recovery from substance use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic response (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Depot buprenorphine during COVID-19 in Australia: Opportunities and challenges (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Sheltering in place and social distancing when the services provided are housing and social support: The COVID-19 health crisis and recovery housing (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Online digital recovery support services: An overview of the science and their potential to help individuals with substance use disorder during COVID-19 and beyond (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Medication treatment for opioid use disorder in the age of COVID-19: Can new regulations modify the opioid cascade? (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Increased flexibility in methadone take-home scheduling during the COVID-19 pandemic: Should this practice be incorporated into routine clinical care? (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Impacts of COVID-19 on residential treatment programs for substance use disorder (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
COVID-19 and overdose prevention: Challenges and opportunities for clinical practice in housing settings (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Caring for women with substance use disorders through pregnancy and postpartum during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from psychology trainees in an integrated OBGYN/substance use disorder outpatient treatment program (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Adaptations to jail-based buprenorphine treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Adolescent substance use: Challenges and opportunities related to COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
A commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on engagement of youth with substance use and co-occurring psychiatric disorders (en anglais seulement) (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
COVID-19-related treatment service disruptions among people with single- and polysubstance use concerns (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
A clash of epidemics: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic response on opioid overdose (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Youth OUD treatment during and after COVID: Increasing family involvement across the services continuum (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Mobile van delivery of extended-release buprenorphine and extended-release naltrexone for youth with OUD: An adaptation to the COVID-19 emergency (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Commentary on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on opioid use disorder treatment among Indigenous communities in the United States and Canada (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Providing addiction services during a pandemic: Lessons learned from COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Revising our attitudes towards agonist medications and their diversion in a time of pandemic (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
COVID-19 and overdose prevention: Challenges and opportunities for clinical practice in housing settings (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance use disorder treatment, parenting, and COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
A delicate compromise: Striking a balance between public safety measures and the psychosocial needs of staff and clients in residential substance use disorder treatment amid COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
The use of mindfulness dialogue for life in substance use disorder treatment in the time of COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Telehealth sustains patient engagement in OUD treatment during COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Is necessity also the mother of implementation? COVID-19 and the implementation of evidence-based treatments for opioid use disorders (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
With crisis comes opportunity: Unanticipated benefits resulting from pivots to take-home naloxone (THN) programs during the COVID-19 pandemic (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
A Community Responds to the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Case Study in Protecting the Health and Human Rights of People Who Use Drugs (en anglais seulement) Journal of Urban Health
Public health messaging and harm reduction in the time of COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) The Lancet
COVID-19 Resource Centre (en anglais seulement) The Lancet
Alcohol use and misuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: a potential public health crisis? (en anglais seulement) The Lancet
Drinking alone: COVID-19, lockdown, and alcohol-related harm (en anglais seulement) The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Public health messaging and harm reduction in the time of COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) The Lancet Psychiatry
Innovative strategies to support physical distancing among individuals with active addiction (en anglais seulement) The Lancet Psychiatry
Alcohol use and misuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: a potential public health crisis? (en anglais seulement) The Lancet, Public Health
MCA Alcohol and Covid Free Webinar (en anglais seulement) Medical Council on Alcohol
Alcohol advertisers may be using social media to encourage parents to drink during COVID‐19 (en anglais seulement) Medical Journal of Australia
Alcohol consumption in the COVID-19 era (en anglais seulement) Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica
COVID-19 risk and outcomes in patients with substance use disorders: analyses from electronic health records in the United States (en anglais seulement) Molecular Psychiatry
Addictions in the COVID-19 era: Current evidence, future perspectives a comprehensive review (en anglais seulement) Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.
Review of opioid risk assessment tools with the growing need for telemedicine (en anglais seulement) Pain Management
The Opioid Epidemic Within the COVID-19 Pandemic: Drug Testing in 2020 (en anglais seulement) Population Health Management
Addictions in the COVID-19 era: Current evidence, future perspectives a comprehensive review (en anglais seulement) Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
Alcohol dependence during COVID-19 lockdowns (en anglais seulement) Psychiatry Research
Clinical Risk Factors for COVID-19 Among People With Substance Use Disorders (en anglais seulement) Psychiatric Services
The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on substance use: Implications for prevention and treatment (en anglais seulement) Psychiatry Research
Avoiding a new epidemic during a pandemic: The importance of assessing the risk of substance use disorders in the COVID-19 era (en anglais seulement) Psychiatry Research
COVID19 pandemic and people with opioid use disorder: innovation to reduce risk (en anglais seulement) Psychiatry Research
Preliminary indications of the burden of COVID-19 among people who inject drugs in England and Northern Ireland and the impact on access to health and harm reduction services (en anglais seulement) Public Health
Substance misuse during COVID-19: protecting people who use drugs (en anglais seulement) Public Health
Leveraging video telehealth for the transitional pain service in response to COVID-19 (en anglais seulement) Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
How is the COVID-19 pandemic changing our use of illegal drugs? An overview of ongoing research (en anglais seulement) Society for the Study of Addiction
Take home injectable opioids for opioid use disorder during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic is in urgent need: a case study (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Medication treatment for opioid use disorder and community pharmacy: Expanding care during a national epidemic and global pandemic (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse
Opioid use disorder and the COVID 19 pandemic: A call to sustain regulatory easements and further expand access to treatment (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse
A double-edged sword of using opioids and COVID-19: a toxicological view (en anglais seulement) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Shifts in Drug Use Behavior Among Electronic Dance Music Partygoers in New York During COVID-19 Social Distancing (en anglais seulement) Substance Use & Misuse
Mitigating and learning from the impact of COVID-19 infection on addictive disorders (en anglais seulement) Addiction
Study Results: In a Small Sample of Individuals with SUD, Many Are Hesitant to Receive Vaccine (en anglais seulement) Addiction Policy Forum
"The post-COVID era": challenges in the treatment of substance use disorder (SUD) after the pandemic (en anglais seulement) BMC Medicine
Public health policies can reduce inequalities as we come out of lockdown (en anglais seulement) BMJ
COVID ‐19 and alcohol in Australia: Industry changes and public health impacts (en anglais seulement) Drug and Alcohol Review
COVID-19 - Enacting a ‘new normal’ for people who use drugs (en anglais seulement) International Journal of Drug Policy
Telehealth for Substance-Using Populations in the Age of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Recommendations to Enhance Adoption (en anglais seulement) JAMA Psychiatry
Opioid Policy Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic - and Beyond (en anglais seulement) Journal of Addiction Medicine
COVID-19 stress and substance use: Current issues and future preparations (en anglais seulement) Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Lessons from COVID 19: Are we finally ready to make opioid treatment accessible? (en anglais seulement) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Business Not as Usual - Covid-19 Vaccination in Persons with Substance Use Disorders (en anglais seulement) New England Journal of Medicine
Addictions in the COVID-19 era: Current evidence, future perspectives a comprehensive review (en anglais seulement) Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
COVID-19 and people who use drugs: a call for action (en anglais seulement) Revue canadienne de santé publique


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